Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Rags to Riches

     The book I most enjoyed reading during Trimester 1 was the one that I had to read for English IA: One Shot at Forever by Chris Ballard. I'll be honest, I chose to read this book because it appeared to be about baseball (and it was), but, I knew there would be another meaning to the book, because it couldn't be just about baseball. Why? Well, for starters, it wouldn't be on the summer reading list; and two, there are a gazillion books that are just about baseball, and none of those are any fun to read. If you're not into sports, read it anyway. Like, I said, it's not about baseball, it's about adversity and how to handle it. And if you are into sports, read it. One, it's a good read that includes a story of a sports team, but also, it teaches you the same lesson any good coach will teach you: ignore the hype and play ball like y'all can. Now, if the story isn't about baseball, what is it about?
                                                       baseball-md.png (300×294)
     This story is about a small town in Illinois, near Chicago, called Macon. The Macon baseball team hasn't had much success in years prior to spark any hopes that change will come anytime soon. Coach Sweet is new in town, and isn't taken kind to in the conservative farm town of Macon. Lynn Sweet is an English teacher at Macon High School, and the parents of his students strongly disagree with his teaching style, and when he becomes head baseball coach, the confidence in the Ironmen was really lacking. And it may be cliche, but even though they were underdogs given no chance at making a "State Run" and, obviously they went as far as they could (you can read to see how far and all the details of their journey if you wish). Now, that's a basic summary on the book--that you can find on SparkNotes... but it's much better if you read the book because you then get the chance to learn the true meaning of the book, which is also a cliche, and which you may also learn on your own. :)

P. S. The theme of the book isn't the Coaching Speech I mentioned, trust me. I wouldn't ruin the story for you like that. Theme goes deeper than just the plot of a story, but it can be supported by thoughts and actions in the story.

P. S. S. We learn that in English class.
       One_Shot_At_Forever_37895.jpg (600×300)

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