Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Final Blog Reflection

Honors English IA Blog Reflection

            The level of my writing has somewhat improved over the course of the trimester. In the beginning of the trimester, I had a few grammatical errors (marked in green) and a few spelling mistakes (highlighted in red). Within my first post, I had four grammatical errors in approximately nine paragraphs, and averaged one spelling mistake every other paragraph, while in one of the more recent posts on my blog, I counted zero grammatical errors and zero spelling mistakes. His is likely due to the fact that in the beginning, I would just ramble on about what happened in the book and summarize it by parts, rather than slow down, think about what I’m posting and include details from the story and requirements from the Blogger’s Rubric. This would also explain the difference in length between the two posts: the first I longer, as I basically just summarized the novel, and the recent ones are lesser in length because I post based on the rubric, think harder about what I’m writing and revise the post before publishing. As far as the quality of writing goes, I feel I haven’t changed dramatically. The qualities of both posts are about equal, only one summarizes and one focuses on a specific element of the story. It depends on how you look at it, and what “quality” refers to, but I feel there was growth from the first post towards the end.

            Throughout the trimester, I struggled to read enough to keep up with the blogging, and that shows. Along with other hard courses taken this trimester, blogging was much harder to keep up with than I thought. Obviously I’m not the only student in class with a tough schedule, but finding time to read enough to blog along with studying and homework was a struggle. As the end of the trimester approached, I started to find more time to read, but I don’t have a computer at home that I can blog on, so that’s a problem that I’m still trying to work out. I feel that my posts were thorough and were at least somewhat well-composed and conveyed my thoughts into a coherent, comprehensible post that can be easily understood and evaluated by others. My reading goal for the year is ten books, and as of now, I have read four books (I know my blog says otherwise, but I can’t update Goodreads from school), so I’m on track to meet my reading goal. It should be much easier to find time to read and finish books in the second trimester, as the courses I’m taking will be much easier and likely have less homework, so I can read more and finish more books. Using Goodreads isn’t a problem, I just try to use it to keep the number of books read and page numbers current, as well as the books that I want to read in the future, but I’m not sure about using it for other reasons…to be honest, that seems kind of pointless.

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