Sunday, April 6, 2014

Absolutely American

     For my first true independent reading book of Honors English IB, I'm choosing to read a book that will detail the exact reason that I even enrolled in this course. The title, Absolutely American, is a basic description of one of the few locations in the country that are absolutely American, West Point. As of right now, I want nothing more in my life than to attend the United States Military Academy at West Point, also known as "Army," and graduate to have an excellent career in the US Army.

     West Point is a federal service academy located along the Hudson River in New York. Here, the roughly 4,000 students (cadets) that make up the Corps of Cadets will go through four years of academic, physical and military training to become the excellent leaders of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor and Country that will, upon graduation, command the enlisted soldiers in the United States Army.

     Four thousand cadets may seem like an excessive, plentiful amount of potential leaders of America's Army, but it is even less so than you may think. West Point is not for everyone. The academy ranks 11th among the nation's universities in "Lowest Acceptance Rate" at 9.0%; not to mention this is of qualified applicants, whom need congressional recommendations, exceptional grades and test scores, and outstanding moral character to be considered for admission. USMA is suited for the best students in the country with ambitions of service and leadership, and only the elite of this minuscule collection of exceptional persons may be accepted. Not everyone is can handle the responsibilities of West Point, not even all of the 4,000 that are accepted to attend can uphold the standards of the academy, and are forced to drop out before commissioning, or graduation. This is the reason as to why I chose to enroll in Honors English; not because I like reading and writing, no. Now, is taking "Honors English" going to get me in to West Point? NO. But it may have an impact: the more rigorous one makes a high school career, the more likely one is to be accepted to West Point.

     To even consider this, though, there a great argument must be won in your  mind. Do I, or do I not want to be forced to live up to the standards of the academy? Can I, or can I not uphold these standards? Is it worth it to me to give up the convenience of campus life at other universities to attend West Point? Do I want to give up four summers and four grueling academic work to become a Commissioned Officer in America's Army? Am I able to deal with being away from home and loved ones for extensive amounts of time? Am I physically capable of attending the academy? Most importantly, am I committed to leadership and service, and am I able to live by the values of Duty, Honor, and Country? The answer to every question must be unanimously "yes" in order to consider the United States Military Academy for your future, and I think that in the book, we will learn of some cadets that may have questioned some of their answers, and think of, or do drop out of the academy. I think in the book will also be a detailed description of life at the academy and how cadets handle it. The book may be used as an informational guide as to whether or not West Point is for you, or it may not be, but regardless, that is the sole purpose I am reading this book.


  1. I hope that your pursue of the army goes well. hopefully this book might give you insight on more of what the army is like.

  2. I hope you follow your dream and have the chance to serve as an officer in the army. This seems like a very difficult and challenging goal but I think that you can achieve it.

  3. I hope you become who you want to become and peruse your dreams to go into the military and go to West Point. Maybe this book will help you too further your education on what you want to do an.d how to do it.

  4. I liked how you picked a book you could connect to! Good luck with achieving your goal! I think you can do it!

  5. I hope you are able to reach your goal! Hopefully this book will make you more determined than ever.

  6. Knowing you prior to when you read this book, I knew that you were determined to be successfully in the army. After reading this, I believe that you are more determined and prepared than ever. The way that you incorporate your personal experiences and tell a story is really cool. I know you'll be successful in whatever you do. You're gonna go far, kid :)
