Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Fault in Our Stars

     As you can tell from the title of this post, this week I have begun reading The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. You're probably also thinking, "What in the heck is a boy doing reading this book?" Well, I probably should've known from all the girls reading this book that it was going to be on the girly side, but I already bought it from iBooks, and I'm going to have to read it. To be honest, though, for the style that the book is written in and how girly it is, the book isn't too bad.

     I am only on page 32 of the book, nine of which don't even count, so I haven't learned much of anything about the plot or anything yet. One of the few things I have learned is that the narrator of the book is a sixteen-year-old girl named Hazel, who has cancer. From what I can tell, the story takes place in modern society; there are cars and TV and major treatments for cancer, but that's all I know. Hazel is depressed from her cancer, so her doctor says to attend some cancer support group that meets in a cross-shaped basement of a church. The importance of the cross-shaped layout of the meeting place is that the members circle around where Jesus' cross would be, so they are all in his heart.

     She hates going to the meetings, and would rather watch "America's Next Top Model" (again, a girly thing, I think?) with her mom. Her luck turns, to a point, when Augustus goes to the meeting to support his pal, Isaac. Hazel describes Gus as, and I swallow my pride as I say this, a total hunk and that he's so perfect and what not. The last part of what I've read so far just describes how bad of a driver Gus is on the way to his house, Hazel as his passenger, and the setting of his house.

I'll update more as I read into the book...

Looking for a picture of the book cover, I was also interested to find that there is a movie based on the book, and that there have been short "sneak peaks" of some scenes leaking out.

Here is the trailer of the movie!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


  1. Nice job not letting someone tell you what to read.

  2. Your blog post is so funny! Its great that your reaching out and reading books that you wouldn't normally have picked out. I have heard that a lot of people have enjoyed this book. It seems to be a great story. I might have to put this on my shelf of books to read!

  3. I've had many recommendations for this book, it sounds interesting. Great post!
